Bright Bear Bouquet

$98.88 (This price including shipping charges)

Availability: In Stock

(12) 11? Latex Balloons (Assorted bright colors or in your choice of colors) on matching ribbons, attached to a plush teddy bear.


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Content(12) 11? Latex Balloons (Assorted bright colors or in your choice of colors) on matching ribbons, attached to a plush teddy bear.(2) 18? Mylar Balloons (Thinking of You) and (6) 11? latex balloons (assorted or in your choice of colors) on matching ribbons, arranged and weighted.Paint that special Happy Birthday celebration in Dazzling Red! If Red is their color then send this bouquet to brighten their day! Our balloons are filled with helium by our local affiliate and hand delivered for guaranteed smiles.(6) 18? Mylar Balloons (Assorted messages to welcome a new baby BOY!) on matching ribbons, arranged and weighted.(12) 18? Mylar Balloons (Assorted Get Well Messages) on matching ribbons, arranged and weighted.(1) 40? Mega-Loon Mylar Number and (9) 11? latex balloons in your choice of colors, arranged and weighted! This bouquet makes EVERY YEAR a SPECIAL YEAR!
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