happy and healthy

$66.56 (This price including shipping charges)

Availability: In Stock

19 red carnations, 5 purple roses( if purple roses not available, we will use other color), matched with greeny, hand bouquet.


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Content19 red carnations, 5 purple roses( if purple roses not available, we will use other color), matched with greeny, hand bouquet.24 red roses, small white flower, beautiful hand banquet.19 red roses with babybreath, white paper inside, pink paper outside.12 red roses and 4 stem white lilies with greens, vase arrangement.(vase vary upon availability)Pink ,purple? if purple not available, red roses will be used, white and champange color roses, total 20 stem, with waxflower and greens, hand banquet.33 red roses in heart shape,small flower and greens surrounded, white gauze package.
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