50 white roses | Florist
$240.86 $230.99 (This price including shipping charges)
In Stock
Category: Flowers
Provided by: Local Florist
Something to celebrate? Send 50 red roses to the recipient. A great gesture and 50 represents a real milestone. The size of the roses are 60 – 70 cm long roses.
NB! This product is made by our local florist and handed over personally.
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Settings | 50 white roses | Florist remove | Bouquet Happy New Year Celebration remove | Happy New Year Party Bouquet remove | Christmas Spirit Bouquet remove | Christmas Bouquet White Christmas remove | Floral Christmas arrangement "Merry Christmas" remove | ||||||||||
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SKU | HN20901 | HN20902 | 109624105 | 109710101 | 10901112 | |||||||||||
Rating | ||||||||||||||||
Price | $120.39 (This price including shipping charges) | $136.18 (This price including shipping charges) | $59.61 (This price including shipping charges) | $59.61 (This price including shipping charges) | $73.05 (This price including shipping charges) | |||||||||||
Stock | 1000 in stock | 1000 in stock | 1000 in stock | 1000 in stock | 1000 in stock | |||||||||||
Availability | 1000 in stock | 1000 in stock | 1000 in stock | 1000 in stock | 1000 in stock | |||||||||||
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Description | Price = $110.3985875(Original Product Price) | Price = $126.1810875(Original Product Price) | Price = $49.61487(Original Product Price) | Price = $49.61487(Original Product Price) | Price = $63.0510875(Original Product Price) | |||||||||||
Content | Provided by: Local Florist Something to celebrate? Send 50 red roses to the recipient. A great gesture and 50 represents a real milestone. The size of the roses are 60 - 70 cm long roses. NB! This product is made by our local florist and handed over personally. | For an unforgettable New Year's eve Celebration, choose this beautiful bouquet. | Are you looking for a bouquet for a New Year's Eve party? | The Spirit of Christmas is combined in the beautiful bouquet of flowers. | A bouquet full of green and white accents for Christmas. | A natural Christmas arrangement in the traditional red Christmas colors | ||||||||||
Weight | ||||||||||||||||
Dimensions | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||
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