6 Red Roses

$38.97 (This price including shipping charges)

Availability: In Stock

Bouquet of 6 red roses. Comes with decorative paper and ribbon. The color of the paper may change depending on the delivery dates and delivery location. It is recommended to place your order in advance to avoid any setbacks.


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ContentBouquet of 6 red roses. Comes with decorative paper and ribbon. The color of the paper may change depending on the delivery dates and delivery location. It is recommended to place your order in advance to avoid any setbacks.Floral arrangement on base with 5 leder sticks, 2 lilis sticks, 6 carnations, 3 gerberas, 3 solidago sticks, 2 daisy sticks, 6 dog sticks, 2 pips sticks, 1 heliconia, 1 claw leaf, 3 leaf camedor, 4 yellow roses, 5 orange astromerias. Base 28cm by 28cm. Size approximately 80 cm by 58 cmArrangement in a basket with 14 red roses, 6 dracaena leaves, 4 yokos sticks, 12 white carnation sticks, 3 white daisies sticks, 3 leder leaves, 7 white dog sticks, 3 zafaris, 5 Hawaiian sticks, 7 pepita sticks, 2 Lion's claw leaves. Size approximately 65cm x 50cm x 70cmA simple bouquet full of happinessFloral arrangement for any occasionArrangement with 12 multicolored Gerberas, gypsophilia, 4 leder sticks, 1 fish tank. Approximate size 32cm (height by 25cm wide)
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