Beautiful wild bouquet
$40.59 $38.92 (This price including shipping charges)
Beautiful bouquet with different flowers in wild colors of pink. orange. white and purple. A wild bouquet contains many seasonal flowers. such as roses. lisianthus. gerbera and green. Vase not included. but you can add a matching vase on the next page.
We use fresh seasonal flowers and create a beautiful whole that goes well together. Image is an example of a wild flower combination. No bouquet is the same; there is a fresh supply of different wild seasonal flowers every day.
This bouquet will be hand tied and delivered by the local florist.
Care:Use a clean glass vase that is suitable for the size of the bouquet. With a transparent vase you can keep a close eye on the water level.
Flowers need a lot of fresh water. Therefore cut the stems of the flowers approximately 2 to 4 cm diagonally with a clean and sharp knife.
Remove packing material and excess leaves from the underside of the stems and add flower food to the water.
Find a nice spot where you can put the beautiful bouquet. Do not place the bouquet near a heat source or a window with direct sunlight. Did you also know that flowers want faster if they are near fruit?
Tips:Which vase? Choose a vase that fits the size of the bouquet. If you have an airy field bouquet or picking bouquet. put the flowers in a vase with a tapered neck. This keeps the different and long stems together. A wide classic bouquet? Place the flowers in a vase with a wide neck.
roses? Some roses may have brown petals on the outside of the bud. These outer petals are called bracts and serve to protect the inner petals of the rose. Carefully remove the outer petals from the roses.
Flowers in bud? Flowers may be delivered in bud. Give them about 24-48 hours to open up nicely. so that you will have a full blooming bouquet later!
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SKU | 109420110 | 109623106 | 104738101 | 10901116 | 109723102 | |||||||||||
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Price | $73.11 (This price including shipping charges) | $65.92 (This price including shipping charges) | $53.30 (This price including shipping charges) | $73.05 (This price including shipping charges) | $73.05 (This price including shipping charges) | |||||||||||
Stock | 1000 in stock | 1000 in stock | 1000 in stock | 1000 in stock | 1000 in stock | |||||||||||
Availability | 1000 in stock | 1000 in stock | 1000 in stock | 1000 in stock | 1000 in stock | |||||||||||
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Description | Price = $63.1142175(Original Product Price) | Price = $55.92787(Original Product Price) | Price = $43.30187(Original Product Price) | Price = $63.0510875(Original Product Price) | Price = $63.0510875(Original Product Price) | |||||||||||
Content | Beautiful bouquet with different flowers in wild colors of pink. orange. white and purple. A wild bouquet contains many seasonal flowers. such as roses. lisianthus. gerbera and green. Vase not included. but you can add a matching vase on the next page. We use fresh seasonal flowers and create a beautiful whole that goes well together. Image is an example of a wild flower combination. No bouquet is the same; there is a fresh supply of different wild seasonal flowers every day. Delivery: This bouquet will be hand tied and delivered by the local florist. Care:Use a clean glass vase that is suitable for the size of the bouquet. With a transparent vase you can keep a close eye on the water level. Flowers need a lot of fresh water. Therefore cut the stems of the flowers approximately 2 to 4 cm diagonally with a clean and sharp knife. Remove packing material and excess leaves from the underside of the stems and add flower food to the water. Find a nice spot where you can put the beautiful bouquet. Do not place the bouquet near a heat source or a window with direct sunlight. Did you also know that flowers want faster if they are near fruit? Tips:Which vase? Choose a vase that fits the size of the bouquet. If you have an airy field bouquet or picking bouquet. put the flowers in a vase with a tapered neck. This keeps the different and long stems together. A wide classic bouquet? Place the flowers in a vase with a wide neck. roses? Some roses may have brown petals on the outside of the bud. These outer petals are called bracts and serve to protect the inner petals of the rose. Carefully remove the outer petals from the roses. Flowers in bud? Flowers may be delivered in bud. Give them about 24-48 hours to open up nicely. so that you will have a full blooming bouquet later! | Surprise someone with a gift at Christmas? | Our Florist have cached the magic of Christmas in this bouquet. | Get a little love at home during the cold winter days with this red winter bouquet. | Looking for a beautiful Christmas piece for the table? A natural Christmas arrangement in the traditional red Christmas shades | Send Flower bouquet "Christmas with love" for delivery | ||||||||||
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Dimensions | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | ||||||||||
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