Bee You-tiful

$173.37 (This price including shipping charges)

Availability: In Stock

Have them buzzing with excitement. Bee You-tiful will let them know you want to be their honey. Flowers like hydrangeas, roses, and lilies are artfully arranged in this tall clear glass cylinder vase. Approximately 20″W X 24″H


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ContentHave them buzzing with excitement. Bee You-tiful will let them know you want to be their honey. Flowers like hydrangeas, roses, and lilies are artfully arranged in this tall clear glass cylinder vase. Approximately 20"W X 24"HSurprise that someone special. Blue Moon will remind them they are in your thoughts always. A blue hydrangea is surrounded by Star of Bethlehem and lilies for a beautiful pick me up. Approximately 24"W X 29"HA new day is dawning. Awaken will refresh the soul. Flowers like blue hydrangea make an uplifiting statement sure to please. Standard 27" tall x 20" wideBe still my beating heart. Romantic Gesture is just that - your love in flowers. Flowers like roses, snapdragons, and lilies are a mix of beauty and grace in our square red vase. Approximately 15"W X 22"HRomance is crazy, when you are in love. Roses and lilies are beautiful in the clear glass cylinder, not crazy at all! Approximately 11"W X 19"HWhere light meets dark there is magic. Eclipse is the blending of the two. Red Roses and Carnations are paired with pink flowers for a perfect mix. Approximately 8"W X 9"H
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