
$56.78 (This price including shipping charges)

Availability: In Stock

11 blue roses, white bouquet.(The blue roses are painted from white roses, not nature blue roses. so the color maybe darker or lighter depends on the florists.)


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Content11 blue roses, white bouquet.(The blue roses are painted from white roses, not nature blue roses. so the color maybe darker or lighter depends on the florists.)12 red roses and 4 stem white lilies with greens, vase arrangement.(vase vary upon availability)16 red carnations , 16 red roses, with green leaves ,flowers basket.48 red roses, with greens, white gauze package, pink bowknot.12 red roses with green stuff in a glass vase.(vase vary locally)12 red roses, 5 pink Casablanca Lilies, arranged in a pretty glass vase. Vase vary locally. ?The picture is only for reference and the main items are the same, the effect is guaranteed.
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