Chocolate Gift basket A

$126.01 (This price including shipping charges)

Availability: In Stock

Basket of chocolate cookies, mini cakes, bread and toffee. Please order in advance at least 2-3 days.


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ContentBasket of chocolate cookies, mini cakes, bread and toffee. Please order in advance at least 2-3 days.Cookie, chocolate, nuts, chrips and so on.This hamper basket contains a bottle of champagne,a bottle of sherry,sausages,candy,chocolate,cheese,cookies and other delicious foods,arranged in a basket.Milk tea, cookies, chocolate, nuts, juice, and some food. Gift hamper.Green tea, cookie, nuts, almond, chocolates and so on. Elegant gifts basket. ?The item may vary depending on availability, the quality is guaranteed.)A special gift for your friends on the week end. Chocolate cookies, chocolate squares, chocolate bars, crackers, cheese and so on. Large size great hamper. The item may vary, it's depend on the availability, the picture only for reference.
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