Elegant Bouquet

$149.73 (This price including shipping charges)

Availability: In Stock

A simple yet elegant bouquet, comprising primarily of roses and lilies. This is the perfect gift for a housewarming party. The arrangement consists of 8 pink roses, 2 stems of lilies and 8 pink carnation in a vase


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ContentA simple yet elegant bouquet, comprising primarily of roses and lilies. This is the perfect gift for a housewarming party. The arrangement consists of 8 pink roses, 2 stems of lilies and 8 pink carnation in a vaseCelebrating some of the most popular flowers with a summery twist, this sumptuous bouquet is as pretty as a picture. The hot pink contrast with soft pastel pink roses - and both shades are brought together by the lovely hue of these exotic Oriental lilies.If just thinking of someone causes you to smile, consider sending them this cheerful and joyful bouquet bursting with the exuberance of white and yellow Chrysanthemums .This arrangement is sure to bring a giant grin to whomever gazes its way. Sending these beautiful flowers, can’t help but be happy , is the closest thing to sending a hug.This is a perfect arrangement for proposing to your loved one. It is a blend of 700 red roses in a basket accompanied by green seasonal fillers. This arrangement will steal your beloveds heart away. These roses are not only eye pleasing but also heart touching. It is the true gift to change a normal day into a memorable one.Make your feelings known loud and clear with a fresh bouquet of exquisite long-stem pink roses in a Glass Vase, an unforgettable gift of sophisticated beauty.Beautiful hand bouquet of Roses along with a Cuddly Teddy Bear to express your love . Bunch of 15 Red and white Roses with a medium Teddy Bear(40-45 cm)
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