This exquisite bouquet is quite simply a piece of floral artistry, hand tied by our expert florists.
The bouquet features Antiqua Carnations, elegant Calla Lilies, sweet Dutch Avalanche Roses accompanied with Memory Lane Roses accentuated with Veronica and fragrant Eucalyptus.Vase not included*
The Orion bouquet is presented in a luxury presentation wrap and stylish floral gift bag. Haute Florist serves those extra special occasions, pleasing is an art and available for UK next day delivery
(Medium bouquet shown)
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Content | This exquisite bouquet is quite simply a piece of floral artistry, hand tied by our expert florists. The bouquet features Antiqua Carnations, elegant Calla Lilies, sweet Dutch Avalanche Roses accompanied with Memory Lane Roses accentuated with Veronica and fragrant Eucalyptus.Vase not included* The Orion bouquet is presented in a luxury presentation wrap and stylish floral gift bag. Haute Florist serves those extra special occasions, pleasing is an art and available for UK next day delivery (Medium bouquet shown) | Shimmering colour Nature is a marvel. Just like a precious stone formed over aeons, the Opal Wonder is a perfectly formed gem. Light refracts and bounces around the colourful petals and leaves, highlighting new details with every glance. In the box arrange our sensational Opal Wonder bouquet by hand with the following fresh flowers : Pink Stocks, solidago, light blue delphinium, lilac lisianthus, yellow roses and pink roses. | Mellow Yellow Like that first bite of a plump and juicy fruit on a sunny day, the Apricot Aura exudes a sweetness that is to be savoured. Sunbeam yellow, peach and cream blooms tumble across each other like a boon of sun-soaked citruses. In the box arrange our sensational Apricot Aura bouquet by hand with the following fresh flowers : Peach Roses, yellow lisianthus, yellow spray roses, yellow ajan, panicum grass and eucalyptus foliage. | Ruby Iustre Shimmering like a gemstone, the Cerise Dream is a study in pink perfection. Seasonally sublime stems, in a blushing monochrome palette bring a celebratory feminine aura to any room. In the box arrange our sensational Cerise Dream bouquet by hand with the following fresh flowers : Narcissi Paperwhite, pink and purple tulip, pink ranunculus and pistache foliage. 40cm | Venetian sonnet Stand on the balcony of anticipation as the Soft Romance bouquet delivers floral poetry. The exquisite arrangement of tender pinks and purples will sweep the recipient off their feet and envelop them in a loving embrace. In the box arrange our sensational Soft Romance bouquet by hand with the following fresh flowers: Rose Moody Blues, aster lilac, syringa pink, campanula pink, lisianthus purple and eucalyptus foliage. | Cool rouge A heartfelt and welcome kiss from a loved one warms your cheeks. Feel that flush with every fleeting glance at the blooms in the Lilac Blush. The season's darlings, iris and tulips are rosied by the glow of pretty pinks and sunny yellow. In the box arrange our sensational Lilac Blush bouquet by hand with the following fresh flowers : Pink stocks, cerise spray rose, solidago, blue iris, orange tulip, pink rose and pistache foliage. |
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