Dozen Fuchsia Roses

$76.67 (This price including shipping charges)

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Dozen Fuchsia Roses to leave great impressions. The rose bud may change depending on the season and place of delivery


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ContentDozen Fuchsia Roses to leave great impressions. The rose bud may change depending on the season and place of deliveryArrangement in a basket with 14 red roses, 6 dracaena leaves, 4 yokos sticks, 12 white carnation sticks, 3 white daisies sticks, 3 leder leaves, 7 white dog sticks, 3 zafaris, 5 Hawaiian sticks, 7 pepita sticks, 2 Lion's claw leaves. Size approximately 65cm x 50cm x 70cmBase arrangement with 7 white roses, 2 sticks of white lilies, 6 sticks of white montecasino, 2 sticks of foam, 5 sticks of white carnations, 5 sticks of yellow astromerias, 3 yellow daisies, 1 white anthurium, 6 sticks of seeds, 6 puppies yellows, 3 gladiolas, 4 corn leaves, 4 leder leaves, 6 sticks of nails, an octagonal base and blue ribbon. Size approximately 70cm x 48cm x 28cmBase arrangement with 8 Red Roses, 3 Hawaiian Roses, 3 lilis sticks, 3 Montecasino sticks, 3 gladiolas sticks, 3 safaris, 3 astromerias sticks, 5 carnations, 1 claw leaf, 2 camedor leaves. Approximate size: 80cm by 63cm.Arrangement of roses and lilies on a wooden or crystal base depending on the branchesFloral arrangement on base with 5 leder sticks, 2 lilis sticks, 6 carnations, 3 gerberas, 3 solidago sticks, 2 daisy sticks, 6 dog sticks, 2 pips sticks, 1 heliconia, 1 claw leaf, 3 leaf camedor, 4 yellow roses, 5 orange astromerias. Base 28cm by 28cm. Size approximately 80 cm by 58 cm
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