Gum Tree (Ficus Elastica)

$87.71 (This price including shipping charges)

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The rubber tree (Ficus Elastica) bears dark green, glossy leaves. This upright and branched plant thrives best in a semi-shaded location. The height is approx. 60-180 cm. The leaves are dark green. Pay attention to high humidity: you should spray the plants regularly with soft, lime-free water.


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ContentThe rubber tree (Ficus Elastica) bears dark green, glossy leaves. This upright and branched plant thrives best in a semi-shaded location. The height is approx. 60-180 cm. The leaves are dark green. Pay attention to high humidity: you should spray the plants regularly with soft, lime-free water.Sword fern (Nephrolepis exaltata) forms light green filigree fronds and provides a good indoor climate. The height is up to 100 cm. The leaves are light green. Ferns are air-purifying plants and filter pollutants such as formaldehyde, xylenes and tulol from the air. these pollutants are emitted by furniture and plastic, for example.Philodendron is one of the low-maintenance houseplants, which have few requirements for their environment. The height is approx. 80-100 cm. The leaves are green-red. This plant belongs to the group of indoor air improvers. Accordingly, the philodendron filters numerous pollutants from the air. The delivery height is approx. 30-50 cm.Foliage plant Alocasia is very unpretentious and is happy with a bright, but not sunny place and needs only moderate watering. The height is approx. 60-100 cm. The leaves are green-red. An ambient temperature of 18 to 22° C is optimal. In winter the temperature should not be below 12° C. The delivery height is approx. 30-50 cm.The Calathea or formally known as Basket Marante transforms any room into an evergreen retreat. Basket marante does not require much light, so it is suitable for darker corners of the room. The height is approx. 70-100 cm. The leaves are green-red. Its most beautiful feature is its closing leaves at sunset and in the morning when the sun rises, it welcomes you again with open leaves! The delivery height is approx. 30-50 cm.Foliage plant Alocasia is very unpretentious and is happy with a bright, but not sunny place and needs only moderate watering. The height is approx. 65-85 cm. The leaves are green. An ambient temperature of 18 to 22° C is optimal. In winter the temperature should not be below 12° C. The delivery height is approx. 30-50 cm.
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