Rose and Lily with Champagne

$106.06 (This price including shipping charges)

Availability: In Stock

This beautiful Rose and Lily bouquet is the perfect floral arrangement to send for all occasions. Tall long-stemmed pink roses lay against sweet smelling palm with oriental pink lilies. Available for next day flower delivery, send this flower bouquet to friends and family or treat yourself, it will make a beautiful centrepiece in any home. Perfect for those special birthdays or milestone anniversaries, this bouquet is sure to delight. Vase not included* This beautiful bouquet comes with a delicious bottle of Louis Dornier champagne, guaranteed to delight your lucky recipient!

Lilies may arrive in bud for extra freshness and to ensure longevity.

(Medium bouquet shown)


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ContentThis beautiful Rose and Lily bouquet is the perfect floral arrangement to send for all occasions. Tall long-stemmed pink roses lay against sweet smelling palm with oriental pink lilies. Available for next day flower delivery, send this flower bouquet to friends and family or treat yourself, it will make a beautiful centrepiece in any home. Perfect for those special birthdays or milestone anniversaries, this bouquet is sure to delight. Vase not included* This beautiful bouquet comes with a delicious bottle of Louis Dornier champagne, guaranteed to delight your lucky recipient! Lilies may arrive in bud for extra freshness and to ensure longevity. (Medium bouquet shown)Tender Beauty Soft petals swirl like a gown across a marble floor, shimmering under a crystal chandelier. The Satin Belle evokes the daydream of a grand ball with its ballet slipper pink spring blooms ensconced in white tulips and verdant pistache. In the box arrange our sensational Satin Belle bouquet by hand with the following fresh flowers : Pink hyacinth, white tulip, pink ranunculus and pistache foliage. 40cmSunny Jazz "Every honey bee, fills with jealousy, when they see you out with me." The Honeysuckle Rose bouquet encapsulates the sentiment of the song with its gloriously golden roses, sunny daffodils and magenta Germini, which are accompanied by enchanting ensemble blooms. In the box arrange our sensational Honeysuckle Rose bouquet by hand with the following fresh flowers: Yellow roses, burgundy antirrhinums, blue thistles, yellow narcissi, cerise germini, tanacetum vegmo and pistache foliage.Clear Carat perfection The princess cut of flowers, the Crystal Shimmer is an expertly crafted diamond of the season. Pure white tulips and waxflower sparkle against dazzling blue hyacinths. Our letterbox flowers make a wonderfully hassle-free and thoughtful gift, designed for most standard letterboxes to ensure delivery. In the box This arrangement contains the following: White tulip, blue hyacinth, white waxflower and pussy willow.Celebratory colour Let the joy take over. Mardi Gras is a bouquet spilling over with vibrant energy like a party in full swing. Cerise, vermillion and bubblegum blooms radiate positivity, making it the perfect arrangement for celebrating. In the box arrange our sensational Mardi Grass bouquet by hand with the following fresh flowers : Pink stocks, peach roses, orange spray roses, cerise roses, pink antirrhinums, greenbell and pistache foiliage.Serene glow Light pours through the window, warming your skin. Bask in the glow emanating from orbs of roses, tempered by blue irises like the spring breeze. Our letterbox flowers make a wonderfully hassle-free and thoughtful gift, designed for most standard letterboxes to ensure delivery. In the box This product contains the following: Yellow roses, blue irises, solidago and pistache
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