65 Roses Bouquet

$491.55 (This price including shipping charges)

Availability: In Stock

Bouquet of 65 stems of red roses with fillers in black paper wrapping


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ContentBouquet of 65 stems of red roses with fillers in black paper wrappingPretty pink lilies arranged amidst highly scented oriental lush greenery is simply charming.For her birthday, choose this ultra-feminine bouquet that is bursting with summer freshness. This pretty selection in shades of soft pink and white features beautifully fragrant to give it a springtime twist.With a long and distinguished history of luxury and extravagance, comes this tempting collection of alluring pink roses that will add a touch of class to your loved ones day.No less than two dozen delectable chocolate, hazelnut and wafer Ferrero Rocher treats. 24 pcs Ferrero Rocher made in a BunchShow your sweetheart, how much you love and care for her. Gift them this super romantic gift consisting of a heart shaped arrangement of 60 lovely Pink Roses
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