Debi Lilly Unforgettable Dozen Rose Arrangement With Vase (flower colors and vase will vary)

$120.00 (This price including shipping charges)

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Debi Lilly Unforgettable Dozen Rose Arrangement With Vase (flower colors and vase will vary)


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Price $120.00 (This price including shipping charges) $97.06 (This price including shipping charges) $208.06 (This price including shipping charges) $55.50 (This price including shipping charges) $83.18 (This price including shipping charges) $235.81 (This price including shipping charges)
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ContentDebi Lilly Unforgettable Dozen Rose Arrangement With Vase (flower colors and vase will vary)Find inspiration in everyday beauty. Bee Inspired will evoke imagination and wonder. Flowers like red roses are mixed with greens in this compact cube. Approximately 16"W X 11"HSpontaneous and unconventional. Free Spirit balances strength and gentleness. Hydrangeas are paired with free spirit roses is our clear cylinder vase for this surprisingly stunning mix. Approximately 18"W X 13"HA simple and beautiful vase filled with three red roses.My Anna Marie is a sweet pop of purple with lovely lavender roses, purple stock, and bright green accents in a clear glass cube container appropriate for a coffee table or desk. Approximately 5"W X 8"HI love you to the moon and back. Inspired by the Stars is like the stars above the clouds. Flowers like roses, lilies, and hydrangeas will inspire love and happiness. Approximately 23"W X 26"H
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